Monday 15 April 2013

Relationship Questions

Question 1. My boyfriend keeps asking for casual sex, What do i do?
You are in control not him!
You were not born to be a sex machine and neither were you born to be used and dumped. A lot of youths suffer today because of their ignorance and mostly because of 'fear of losing their boyfriends'.
You need to put it in your head that if he loves you, he will wait till you are ready. If you protect yourself by saying "No!", if he truly loves you he will respect you and let you be. But if he doesn't is either he tries to force you, or he tells you it is over between the two of you.
A man that is only interested in sex is set out to destroy a woman life.
Stand on the Solid rock that says I am not interested! You have your own rights to live and not to die

Question 2.  I heard semen has some benefits and can even be an anti-depressant. Is that BS concocted by guys who want to get laid?
 A study did confirm that, and semen does contain mood-altering hormones. Still, the effect is tiny.

Question 3. How do i approach a guy am in love with?
The myth: If a guy likes you, he’ll come over… Most women think that if a guy hasn’t already approached her, it’s because he isn’t interested. This myth stems partly from movies and books. Even if the guy is awkward and stumbling, he’ll usually approach the women he likes (otherwise there wouldn’t be much of a story).
The cause: Women grossly overestimate male confidence. They assume men fine it easy to approach women. They find it hard to imagine why a man wouldn’t approach a woman he was interested in. This is largely cause by what we call 'The Player Paradox'. 'Players' represent about 5% of all men, but they represent well over half of the men that women and up talking to (by definition, players are the guys doing all the approaching).
The truth: Men find approaching much harder than women could ever realise. It’s one of the hardest things a man ever has to face. His whole identity, image and self-confidence is on the line. We have worked with all sorts of guys: doctors, bankers, diplomats, musicians… they have all found approaching women terrifying.

Question 4. When should i meet his parents?
A counter-intuitive wrinkle: The more a guy likes you, the less likely he is to approach you. The hardest person to approach in a bar is the one you like the most. This is true for most women too; when we run courses to help women approach men, it’s the hot guy in the bar who’s the hardest to approach.
The consequence: Women assume guys they like the look of aren’t interested. As a consequence, a woman won’t approach a guy she likes because she assumes he would’ve come over already if interested. She’ll think to herself: “What’s the point of going over to talk to him? He can’t be interested in me – otherwise he’d have done something about it…”
What to do about it: Don’t waste time giving him 'signals' which he isn’t even noticing. Most things that women are told to do (smile, make eye contact, flick your hair, take off your jacket…) are far too subtle. If there’s someone you like, approach him yourself. There’s a very good chance he was just struggling to pluck up the courage to approach you.

Follow me on twitter @adanapeter

Question 5. Whenever I even think about asking someone out I just get nervous and panicky and end up bottling it completely... Do you have any advice for asking someone out without looking like a rabbit in the headlights or a complete lunatic (or, worse, both)?
The key to asking someone out is to not really ask. In other words, don't feel your sentence needs to end with a question mark. Imagine it like this:
'Would you like to go out this weekend?' (bad)
'I'm going to this cool exhibition (or whatever) this weekend, come!' (good)
One is playful, assertive, confident and doesn't introduce doubt into his mind as to whether he would want to. The other (the first one) puts him in a spot where he really has to think about whether he's interested.

All These and more!!!
Or you drop it in the comment box below

Give your online dating profile a boost with these-top ten key words:
1. Witty - every guy loves banter
2. Girl-next-door - she's got to be approachable
3. Educated - everyone likes a girl who does her homework
4. Intelligent - he needs to be able to hold a conversation
5. Small-town - explain more about where you're from
6. Sexy - prove to him you're a freak in the sheets
7. Big heart - men are soppier than we think
8. Fun - it's good to know you can let loose sometimes
9. Classy - men are looking for the cream of the crop
10. Master's degree - a few extra letters after your

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